Bratislava Water Company (BVS), Slovakia, has successfully implemented a pilot project digitizing the water distribution network with battery-operated IoT sensors and software for data visualisation.
Reliable information about valve open/close positions
For some gate valve installations, such as valves at DMA inlets or other critical points in the supply network, it is very important to ensure reliable information about valve open/close positions. Traditionally, this information has been collected by manual check-ups which are, however, both costly and time-consuming.
Pressure and flow measurements at critical points in the network such as DMA inlets and pressure reducing valves are also important for optimal performance and management of the supply network.
The challenges of getting reliable information about network conditions are effectively addressed by AVK battery-operated IoT sensors. They collect data directly from the network and visualise this in AVK Smart Water’s dedicated software platform VIDI Cloud. Data can also be directly integrated into your preferred IT system.
Digitization of the supply network with AVK Smart Water IoT sensors
A three-month pilot project has kicked off the journey of digitizing the BVS supply network in Bratislava, Slovakia, with battery-operated wireless IoT sensors from AVK. The project includes valve open/close position indicators, pressure and flow sensors as well as software enabling visualisation and analysis of data.
Position indicators were installed on selected, critical gate valves, where it is important to know the exact open/close position of the valve. In addition, pressure and flow measurement sensors were installed in a designated well for BVS to test a new solution for this.
Setup of VIDI software and subscriptions for the pilot project period has been taken care of by AVK, so that BVS can easily get started utilizing their data.

Moving forward with digital monitoring
It has been a pleasure to collaborate with BVS, providing reliable, efficient and cost-effective solutions for digitalisation of their distribution network, and we are looking forward to being part of their continuous digital improvements.BVS has already decided to continue the use of VIDI Positioners at DMA inlets and other critical points in the network. They will increase the number of Positioners significantly to get real-time data on open/close positions of even more gate valves, and performance of the pressure and flow sensors are evaluated for installation in a wider area of their supply network.

Bratislava Water Company
Bratislava Water Company (BVS) supplies drinking water to approx. 740,000 customers in 118 municipalities across western Slovakia. The distribution network consists of more than 3,200 kilometers of pipes and 130 water reservoirs.
In addition, BVS is handling wastewater treatment and manages more than 1,800 kilometers of pipes for this purpose.

AVK Smart Water IoT sensors
VIDI Positioner is a battery-operated device that detects in percentages how much a gate valve is open. That way it is easy to detect if valves are rightfully opened or closed. Other VIDI sensors are VIDI Pressure, Flow, Temperature, Cap, Level and Open/Close.
Data can be integrated into any preferred IT system which makes it easy to compare data and compile a complete overview of the network.
AVK smart water IoT sensors