AVK valves being installed at Odense Universitets Hospital in Denmark


AVK valves for large-scale hospital project

The new university hospital in Odense, Denmark, will be one of the largest new Danish hospitals, and the turnkey contract amounts to 953m euros.

The new hospital will be part of Campus Odense – a new part of town focusing on innovation and development. In addition to the hospital, the new town will host University of Southern Denmark, Science Park Odense and the new Cortex Park supporting knowledge sharing and networking between the business community, the university and the hospital. Innovative thinking characterises the project, that also includes new roads and a tramway with two planned stops at the new hospital.

Almost 300 AVK valves

The pipe contract for the project covers main lines and house connections for water (2.85 km), wastewater (2.25 km, pressure lines) and cooling (3.67 km) and also includes additional valves and accessories for the complete project.

All valves and hydrants for the project have been supplied by AVK. It is mainly gate valves with PE ends for direct welding into PE pipe system, with almost half of them in DN300-400 to be used for cooling water. Furthermore, flanged valves and ball check valves for the wastewater system, and 12 fire hydrants.

The construction of the buildings began in 2020, and the new hospital is expected to open in 2027.

Pipe system with AVK valves at hospital construction site in Odense, Denmark
AVK gate valves with extension spindles
Installation of AVK gate valve at Odense Universitets Hospital, Denmark

AVK gate valves with PE ends for a fully welded PE pipe system

Many water utilities are using PE pipes for almost all of their new installations, and AVK gate valves with PE pipe ends are an integrated part of fully welded distribution networks covering many supply areas.

Advantages of PE pipes

PE pipes have a longer lifetime compared to traditional pipe materials, they are corrosion resistant and easy to handle and transport due to their relatively low weight. And these are just a few of the advantages. Using PE pipes and valves with PE pipe ends for your pipe network makes it possible to get the benefits of a fully welded pipe system with no bolts and mechanical joints and thereby a significantly lower risk of leakage.

AVK ball check valves and AVK gate valves at construction site for new hospital in Odense, Denmark

AVK products delivered to the new university hospital in Odense

Gate valves with PE ends series 36, including extension spindles and surface boxes
117 pcs DN65-250 for water and wastewater
76 pcs DN300-400 for water and cooling

Hydrants series 84
12 pcs for fire protection

Flanged gate valves series 06
56 pcs DN80 for wastewater

Ball check valves series 53
28 pcs DN80 for wastewater

Animated overview of the new university hospital in Odense, Denmark

The new hospital by the numbers

Ground area: 800.000 m2

Floor area approx. 286.000 m2

In total 849 beds for somatic and psychiatric patients

The new university hospital is expected to open in 2027 and will be the largest new hospital in Denmark built from scratch.


AVK gate valves


Gate valves

Everything you need to know about gate valves
AVK gate valves with PE ends thumbnail


Gate valves with PE ends

Animation showing the application and benefits of our range of gate valves with PE ends.